P h o t o g r a p h e r
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- Cover
- Opening of the Holy Door, San Giovanni, San Paolo, Santa Maria Maggiore. Rome, January 2025
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May 28, 2014
- Pope Francis convention "Renewal in the Spirit"the Olympic stadium in Rome.June 1, 2014
- Pope Francis of the Italian Sports Centre C.S.I. in St.Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 7, 2014
- Pope Francis during holy mass of Pentecost Sunday in Saint Peter's Basilica Vatican.8 June 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 11, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.August 27, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,. September 10,2014
- Pope Francis.celebration marriage 20 St. Peter's Basilica. the Vatican.September 14,2014
- Home Page
- Pope Francis Portraits
- Cardinal
- Vatican City
- Exhibition of the Photographic Collection. Pope Francis.
- Pope Benedict XVI .2
- Pope Benedict XVI
- Pope Benedict XVI Portraits
- Cover
- Papa Benedetto XVI
- Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Photographed in the Vatican Gardens on June 25, 2019.
- Sistine Chapel, you work in preparation for the conclave Vatican Palace,March 9, 2013
- The women's soccer team of Vatican City. 26 may 2019
- The Vatican's gendarme corps
- The feast of snakes. Process dedicated to the Saint Dominic, in the streets of Cocullo, May 1, 2019
- The St. Domenico's procession in Cocullo,in the Abruzzo region, Italy. 1 May 2012
- candle
- Monsignor Charles Scicluna on February 26, 2019.
- Athletica Vaticana. 29 January 2019
- Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio. January 5, 2018
- St Padre Pio
- Restoration laboratory.Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- San Paolo Alla Regola
- SaiFrancis and the Light.Saint Francis of Assisint Francis of Assisi
- Crucifix
- Statue
- Observatory, papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo 2023
- Sidival Fila
- La Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- The body of late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Jan. 2, 2023.
- The privilege of the white is a special privilege granted to Catholic queens
- Rome Colle Aventino
- Second Vespers presided over by Cardinal Kurt Koch January 25th, 2021
- Opening of the Holy Door, San Giovanni, San Paolo, Santa Maria Maggiore. Rome, January 2025
- Pope Benedict XVI Last Day as Pope,residence in Castel Gandolfo.February 28, 2013
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. February 27, 2013
- The last Angelus of Pope Benedict XVI the window of his appartmnents the Vatican.February 24, 2013
- Pope Benedict XVI leads the Angelus prayer from the window of his appartmnents. February 17, 2013
- Pope Benedict XVI audience with Rome's parish priests in aula Paolo VI the vatican. February 14,2013
- Ash Wednesday Benedict XVI during the traditional mass in Basilica St. Peter's ,Feb. 13, 2013
- Pope Benedict XVI to mark the 900th anniversary the Order of the Knights of Malta,February 9, 2013
- Pope Benedict XVI Mass presentation of Our Lord at St Peter's basilica the Vatican. Febraury 2,2013
- Celebration of the second vespers Pope Benedict XVI of Saint Paul basilica in Rome. January 25, 2013
- Benedict XVI receives: Prince Albert II of Monaco and Princess Charlene. Vatican January 12, 2013
- Pope Benedict XVI New elevated bishops's,during Epiphany mass in St. Peter's Basilica.January 6,2013
- Pope Francis during papal mass for elderly people St Peter's square the Vatican.September 28,2014
- Pope Francis beatification of Paul VI, St Peter's square at the Vatican. Octobe 19, 2014
- Pope Francis during consistory creation new Cardinals St. Peter's Basilica Vatican.February 14,2015
- Pope Francis opens Holy Door at St Peter's basilica of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, December 8, 2015
- Pope Benedict XVI Anno Domini 2006
- The body of late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Jan. 2, 2023.
- Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Photographed in the Vatican Gardens on June 25, 2019
- Pope Francis Benedict XV Ithe conslict the Vatican February 22, 2014istory in the St. Peter's Basi
- Pope Francis canonisation of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II at the Vatican. April 27, 2014
- Pope Benedict XVI in front of the Nativity in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.December. 31, 2012
- Te Deum prayer in St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Benedict XV December. 31, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI the ecumenical christian community of Taize in St.Peter's square.December 29,2012
- Urbi et Orbi Benedict XVI during the message in St. Peter's square at the Vatican.December. 25, 2012
- Midndight Christmas Mass Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican 24 December 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI mass during his visit to the San Patrizio parish of Rome.December 16, 2012
- Immaculate Conception Benedict XVI visit the statue of Mary of the et Spanish Square Rome Dec 8,2012
- Pope Benedict XVI receives : German President Joachim Gauck at the Vatican on December 6, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI Vesper prayer with members universities at St Peter's basilica . December 1,2012
- Consistory Pope Benedict XVI the where appoint 6 new cardinals on November 24, 2012
- Pope receives: Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara, Haiti Michel Martellyat,16/22,November 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. November 7, 2012
- Mass for Cardinals who died during the year on Benedict XVI at The Vatican.November 3, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI mass at the end of a synod in Saint Peter's Basilica the Vatican. 28 October 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 24, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI celebrates and Canonization in Saint Peter's Square Vatican. October 21, 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 17, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI Mass the opening of the Year of Faith. in Saint Peter's Square .11 October, 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 10, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI the opening of the Synod of Bishops in St. Peter square.Vatican, 7 October 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 3, 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. Setpember 26, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI, General audience, summer residence of Castelgandolfo . August 29, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI, General audience, summer residence of Castelgandolfo . August 22, 2012
- Angelus the Assumption Day,Benedict XVI of his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo,August 15, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI, General audience, summer residence of Castelgandolfo . August 8, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI, General audience, summer residence of Castelgandolfo . August 1, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI celebrates mass in Frascati on the outskirts of Rome on July 15, 2012
- Concert in honor of Pope Benedict XVI, of his summer residence in Castelgandolfo .July 11, 2012
- Angelus Benedict XVI from summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, July 8, 2012
- Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Benedict XVI mass at St Peter's basilica. June 29, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI Corpus Domini Procession basilicas San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome.June 7, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI celebrates a mass in Rome's St John's in Lateran Basilica on June 7, 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 30,May. 6 June,2012
- Pentecost Sunday mass Benedict XVI at St Peter's Basilica the Vatican. May 27, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI audience to the group renewal in the spirit In Saint Peter's Square.May 26, 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 23, May 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 16, May 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 9, May 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 2, May 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI during an ordination mass at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican on April 29, 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 25, April 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 18, April 2012
- Happy Birthday Pope Beneditct XV 85th birthday 16 April 2012
- Urbi et Orbi, Easter Mass, Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican, 8 April 2012
- Easter Mass, Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican, 8 April 2012
- Easter vigil mass Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican. 7 April 2012
- Via Crucis Benedict XVI procession on Good Friday the Colosseum in Rome. 6 April 2012
- Good Friday Passion of the Lord Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica.April 6, 2012
- Holy Thursday,Pope Benedict XVI,Washes feet,Chrismal Mass, 5 april 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI Chrismal mass in the morning of Holy Thursday at St Peter's basilica.April 5,2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 4, 2012
- Palm Sunday mass Benedict XVI celebrating an in St. Peter's square, April 1, 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 14, March 2012
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 7, March 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI visit of San Giovanni Battista de La Salle, in the Rome.March 4, 2012.
- New Cardinals Pope Benedict XVI during the mass in St. Peter's basilica the Vatican.February 19,2012
- Consistory Pope Benedict XVI the where appoint 22 new cardinals on February 18, 2012
- Vesper prayers Benedict XVI for the Presentation of the Lord feast at St Peter's Basilica Feb 2,2012
- Celebration of the second vespers Pope Benedict XVI of Saint Paul basilica in Rome. January 25, 2012
- Epiphany mass Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.Jan 6, 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI celebrates mass and the Day of Peace at the Vatican basilica. on January 1, 2012
- The St. Domenico's procession in Cocullo,in the Abruzzo region, Italy. 1 May 2012
- Pope Benedict XVI in front of the Nativity in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.December. 31, 2011
- Te Deum prayer in St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Benedict XV December. 31, 2011
- Urbi et Orbi Benedict XVI during the message in St. Peter's square at the Vatican.December. 25, 2011
- Midndight Christmas Mass Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican 24 December 2011
- the Curia for Christmas greetings,Pope Benedict XVI the Sala Clementina in the Vatican,22 Dec 2011
- Celebrates vespers universities Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Dec 16, 2011
- Pope Benedict XVI Eucharist Latin America countries in memory of the Lady of Guadelupe.Dec.12,2011
- Pope Benedict XVI visit to the parish church "Santa Maria delle Grazie" in Rome on December 11, 2011
- Immaculate Conception Benedict XVI visit the statue of Mary of the et Spanish Square Rome Dec 8,2011
- Pope Benedict XVI of the Caritas Italiana, St Peter's basilica at The Vatican.November 24, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. november 16, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. november 9, 2011
- Benedict XVI Vespers for the opening of the Academic Year at St Peter's basilica .November 4, 2011
- Assisi, Pope Benedict XVI leads during the day the 25th Interreligious talks,October 27, 2011
- Pope Benedict XVI prayer on the eve of his interreligious talks of Assisi,on Vatican.October 26,2011
- Beatification Benedict XVI ceremony in St. Peter's square at the Vatican October 23, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. october 19, 2011
- Pope Benedict XVI the on evangelisation mass at Saint Peter Basilica in The Vatican, October 16,2011
- Benedict XVI meeting: Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbergdorj at the Vatican on October 17, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. october 12, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. october 6, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. Setpember 28, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in Paul VI hall at the Vatican. Setpember 14, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. Setpember 7, 2011
- Pope Benedict XVI, General audience,Summer residence of Castelgandolfo . August 31, 2011
- Pope Benedict XVI, General audience,Summer residence of Castelgandolfo . August 17, 2011
- Angelus the Assumption Day,Benedict XVI of his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo,August 15, 2011
- Summer residence of Castelgandolfo Pope Benedict XVI, General audience. August 10, 2011
- Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Benedict XVI mass at St Peter's basilica. June 29, 2011
- Corpus Domini Benedict XVI procession basilicas San Giovanni in Rome.June 23, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 22, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 15, 2011
- Pentecost Sunday mass Benedict XVI at St Peter's Basilica the Vatican. June 12, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 1 / 8 , 2011
- Rosary prayer Benedict XVI Saint Mary Major Basilica in Rome.May 26, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May 18 / 25, 2011
- Benedict XVI meeting: Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov ,Tsetska Tsacheva, of Bulgaria, 23 May 2011
- Venice Pope Benedict XVI pastoral visit to on May 8, 2011
- Beatification ceremony of Pope John Paul II 1 May 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 27/ May 4, 2011
- Regina Coeli prayer Pope Benedict XVI Castel Gandolfo, April 25, 2011
- Easter Mass, Urbi et Orbi, Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican, 24 April 2011
- Easter vigil mass Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican.23 April 2011
- Via Crucis Benedict XVI procession on Good Friday the Colosseum in Rome. 22 April 2011
- Good Friday Passion of the Lord Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica.April 22, 2011
- Holy Thursday, Pope Benedict XVI, Chrismal Mass, Washes feet, 21 april 2011
- Palm Sunday mass Benedict XVI celebrating an in St. Peter's square, April 17, 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 13, April 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 6, April 2011
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 30, March 2011
- Fosse Ardeatine site Pope Benedict XVI visits the on March 27, 2011 in Rome
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. 23, March 2011
- Pastoral visit to St. Corbiniano Parish Pope Benedict XVI celebrates mass Rome on March 20, 2011
- Ash Wednesday Benedict XVI during the traditional mass in the St. Sabina church in Rome 9 March,2011
- Benedict XVI Chilean President Sebastian Pinera private audience at the Vatican,3 March 2011
- Episcopal ordination Benedict XVI celebrates and rite of in St. Peter's basilica. Feb 5, 2011
- Vesper prayers Benedict XVI for the Presentation of the Lord feast at St Peter's Basilica Feb 2,2011
- Celebration of the second vespers Pope Benedict XVI of Saint Paul basilica in Rome. January 25, 20
- Mass at the Sistine Chapel at The Vatican. Benedict XVI during the Baptism of the Lord. Jan 9, 2011
- The Holy See's diplomatic corps, traditional speech the Benedict XVI, at the Vatican. Jan 11, 2011
- Epiphany mass Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.Jan 6, 2011
- The New Year solemn mass Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, 1 Jan,2011.
- Pope Benedict XVI in front of the Nativity in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.December. 31, 2010
- Te Deum prayer in St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Benedict XV December. 31, 2010
- Midndight Christmas Mass Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican 24 December 2010
- Celebrates vespers Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Dec 16, 2010
- Pastoral visit to the Roman Parish of St. Maximilian Kolbe ,Pope Benedict XVI Dec 12, 2010
- Immaculate Conception Benedict XVI visit the statue of Mary of the et Spanish Square Rome Dec 8,2010
- The first Vespers Pope Benedict XVI in the St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican on November 27, 2010
- Concistoro
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.November 14, 2010
- Mass for Cardinals who died during the year on Benedict XVI at The Vatican.November 4, 2010
- Audience with youths from the Italian catholic movement in the Vatican October 30, 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.October 27, 2010
- Conclusion Synod for Middle East, Benedict XVI in the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter,October 24, 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.October 20, 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.October 13, 2010
- Canonization mass in St. Peter's square, Vatican, 17 October 2010
- Opening of the Synod on the Middle East, mass Pope Benedict XVI on October 10, 2010
- Angelus prayer Pope Benedict XVI at his summer residence in Castelgandolfo, September, 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.September 22, 2010
- Pastoral visit Benedict XVI to the village of Carpineto,from Rome,Italy,September 5, 2010
- Pope Benedict XVI during his holiday at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome,Italy.July 23, 2010
- Angelus prayer Benedict XVI at his summer residence in Castelgandolfo,July 11/18, 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 30, 2010
- Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Benedict XVI mass at St Peter's basilica. June 29, 2010
- Ordained new priests Pope Benedict XVI ceremony in St.Peter Basilica at the Vatican.June 20, 2010.
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 9/16, 2010
- Mass with priests Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican June 11, 2010
- Prayer vigil with priests Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peters' square June 10, 2010
- Corpus Domini Pope Benedict XVI basilicas San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome June 3, 2010
- General audience Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.May 26,June 2, 2010
- Benedict XVI meeting: Republic of Congo,Moldova's President Prime Minister of Tonga 24 May 2010
- Pentecost Mass Benedict XVI celebrates the in St. Peter's Basilica the Vatican 23 May 2010
- Madonna in Fatima Portugal Visit Pope Benedict XVI 12/13 May 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.May 5, 2010
- Benedict XVI meeting: Swiss President Leuthard. Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al-Sabah. 6 May 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.April 21/28, 2010
- Turin, Italy,Pope Benedict XVI Holy Mass in San Carlo's square in May 2, 2010
- Holy Shroud exhibition in Turin,Pope Benedict XVI prays in the Cathedral,May 2, 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.April 7/14, 2010
- Regina Coeli prayer Benedict XVI in the of residence in Castelgandolfo, April 5, 2010
- Urbi et Orbi,Easter Mass Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square,April 4,2010
- Easter vigil mass Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican.03 April 2010
- Via Crucis Benedict XVI procession on Good Friday the Colosseum in Rome. April 2, 2010.
- Good Friday Passion of the Lord Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica.April 2, 2010
- Benedict XVI washes feet the mass on Good Friday at St Giovanni in Laterano Basilica ,1 April 2010
- General audience Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.April 24,March 31, 2010
- Mass in memory of John Paul II,Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica. 29 March 2010
- Palm Sunday mass Benedict XVI celebrating an in St. Peter's square ,28 March 2010
- 25th anniversary of the first .Youth World Day Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's square, 25 March 2010
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.March 17, 2010
- Lutheran church Rome's Pope Benedict XVI during his visits March 14, 2010
- Pastoral visit Benedict XVI to San Giovanni della Croce Parish in Rome March 7, 2010
- Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Pope Benedict XV, World Day of the Sick.February 11, 2010
- Vesper Pope Benedict XVI ceremony in the St. Peter's basilica at Vatican February 2, 2010
- Vespers Pope Benedict XVI prayer the Basilica of Saint Paul , in Rome, Jan. 25, 2010
- Diplomatic corps the Holy See's Pope Benedict XVI , at the Vatican January 11, 2010
- Epiphany mass Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican January 6, 2010
- Benedict XVI the Nativity in St. Peter's Square ,Te Deum Basilica at the Vatican December. 31, 2009
- Midndight Christmas Mass Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican 24 December 2009
- Celebrates vespers Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Dec 17, 2009
- Benedict XVI meeting:President,Chilean,Argentine,Suriname Russian Albania Prime Minister.Dec 2009
- Immaculate Conception Benedict XVI visit the statue of Mary of the et Spanish Square Rome Dec 8,2009
- Benedict XVI meeting:Serbia's President Boris Tadic,Czech Prime Minister Jan Fischer,Nov.14, 2009
- Benedict XVI meeting:Croatian president Stjepan Mesic at the Vatican.November 12, 2009
- Mass for Cardinals who died during the year on Benedict XVI at The Vatican.November 5, 2009
- Conclusion the Synod for Africa,Benedict XVI in the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter,October 25, 2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.October 21, 2009
- Benedict XVI,meeting:Ukrainian Minister Yulia Tymoshenko Prince Albert of Monaco October 16,2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.October 14, 2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.October 7, 2009
- Open the Synod for Africa, Benedict XVI in the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter, October 4, 2009
- Ordination new bishops Benedict XVI at St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican September 12, 2009
- Angelus Benedict XVI from summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, August 23, 2009
- Athletes the Swimming World Championships Benedict XVI in Castello Gandolfo, August 1, 2009
- Summer retreat at Les Combes, Benedict XVI Val d'Aosta region of northern Italy July 29, 2009
- Angelus prayer Pope Benedict XVI in Les Combes d'Introd, near Aosta,July 26, 2009
- Vesper prayer Pope Benedict XVI for a at the Aosta's cathedral, northern Italy,July 24, 2009.
- Angelus prayer in Romano Canavese Pope Benedict XVI delivers,northern Italy. July 19,2009
- Pope Benedict XVI goes for a walk in Les Combes, near Aosta, northern Italy,July 18, 2009.
- Pope Benedict XVI arrives,in Introd,Les Combes, near Aosta, northern Italy,July 13, 2009.
- Benedict XVI, during a meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama at the Vatican.July 10, 2009
- Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Benedict XVI at St Peter's basilica June 28, 2009
- Corpus Domini Benedict XVI procession basilicas San Giovanni in Rome.June 11, 2009
- General audience Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.June. 10, 2009
- Pentecost Sunday mass Benedict XVI at St Peter's Basilica the Vatican.May 31, 2009
- Pope Benedict XVI meeting: President of the Czech Republic , at the Vatican, May 30, 2009.
- Pope Benedict XVI pilgrimage to Monte Cassino,central Italy. May. 24, 2009
- General audience Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May. 20, 2009
- Visit to Israel of Pope Benedict XVI . May. 09, 2009
- Vatican Swiss Guards celebration of the 1527 Sack of Rome,at the Vatican,May 6,2009
- General audience Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.April 29, 2009
- Ordained new priests,Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter Basilica at the Vatican,May 3,2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.April 22, 2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 15, 2009
- Urbi et Orbi,Easter Mass Pope Benedict XVI,in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican,April 12,2009
- Good Friday Passion of the Lord Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica.April 10, 2009
- Via Crucis Benedict XVI procession on Good Friday the Colosseum in Rome. April 10, 2009
- Benedict XVI washes feet the mass on Good Friday at St Giovanni in Laterano Basilica ,April 9, 2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April. 8, 2009
- Palm Sunday mass Benedict XVI celebrating an in St. Peter's square ,April 5, 2009
- Mass in memory of John Paul II,Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica. April 2, 2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 1, 2009
- Pope Benedict XVI celebrates a mass at the Holy face of Jesus parish church in Rome,March 29, 2009
- Benedict XVI Malta President Edward Fenech-Adami on private audience at the Vatican.March 14, 2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. March 11, 2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. Feb. 18, 2009
- General audience Pope Benedict XVI in the Pope Paul VI hall at the Vatican,Feb. 11,2009
- Vespers Pope Benedict XVI prayer the Basilica of Saint Paul , in Rome, Jan. 25, 2009
- Benedict XVI Macedonia's President Branko Crvenkovski,private audience at the Vatican.Jan.23,2009
- Holy See's diplomatic corps, Benedict XVI during the traditional speech at the Vatican.Jan. 8,2009
- The New Year solemn mass Pope Benedict XVI in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, 1 Jan, 2009
- Pope Francis prayer the celebration of the Immaculate December 8, 2022
- Pope Francis celebrates a mass Day of the Poor November 19, 2023.
- Pope Francis prays in front of the Nativity scene 31 december 2024
- Pope Francis celebrates the Vespers and Te Deum. 31 december 2024
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day,25 December 2024
- Pope Francis the Christmas Eve mass and open the Holy Door december 24, 2024
- Pope Francis celebration of the Immaculate Conception December 8, 2024
- Saint Peter's Square Christmas Tree Switch-On Ceremony 8 December 2024
- Pope Francis Presides Consistory For Creation Of New Cardinals December 07, 2024
- Pope Francis Celebrates The Day Of The Poor With Mass And Lunch November 17, 2024
- Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass on the World Day of the Poor.November 17, 2024
- Pope Francis Commemoration of all the faithful departed Nov. 2, 2024.
- Pope Francis. The Synod Of The Bishops at The Vatican October 27, 2024
- Pope Francis celebration and the rite of canonization in the Vatican on 20 October 2024
- Pope Francis presides over a Mass on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul on June 29, 2024
- Pope Francis during a Corpus Domini.2 June 2024
- Pope Francis during the Easter Mass ,Urbi et Orbi 31 March 2024
- Pope Francis during the Easter Mass ,31 March 2024
- Pope Francis Good Friday Passion of the Lord Mass March 30, 2024
- Pope Francis celebrates the Palm Sunday mass March 24, 2024
- Pope Francis prays in front of the Nativity scene 31 december 2023
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day ,25 December 2023
- Pope Francis celebrates Christmas Eve Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Dec. 24, 2023
- Pope Francis prayer the celebration of the Immaculate December 8, 2023
- Christmas tree in St. Peter square at the Vatican.9 december 2023
- Pope Francis during a lunch with poor November 19, 2023
- Pope Francis celebrates a mass Day of the Poor November 19, 2023.
- Pope Francis presides at Holy Mass with the new Cardinals October 04, 2023
- Pope Francis Hosts Consistory 30 September 2023
- Pope Francis During the Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 9 April 2023
- Pope Francis the ceremony of the Good Friday Passion of the Lord Mass.April 07, 2023
- Pope Francis celebrates the Palm Sunday mass April 2, 2023
- Funeral mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI at St. Peter's square on January 5, 2023
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day ,25 December 2022
- Pope Francis celebrates Christmas Eve Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican Dec. 24, 2022
- Pope Francis prayer the celebration of the Immaculate December 8, 2022
- Pope Francis during a lunch with poor November 13, 2022
- Pope Francis celebrates a mass Day of the Poor November 13, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.November 9, 2022
- Pope Francis Mass All Souls' Day for bishops and cardinals Nov. 2, 2022.
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.October 26, 2022
- Pope Francis Meeting Of Prayer At Colosseum October 25, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.October 19, 2022
- Pope Francis meeting of the Communion and Liberation Oct.15, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.October 12, 2022
- Pope Francis Celebration the Canonization in Vatican, October 9,2022.
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.October 5, 2022
- Pope Francis beatification ceremony of late Pope John Paul I Sept. 4, 2022.
- Pope Francis leads a consistory for the creation of thirteen new cardinals Vatican. 27 August 2022
- Pope Francis celebrate of Saint Peter and Saint Paul June 29, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.June 22, 2022
- Pope Francis Pentecost Mass at the Vatican, Sunday, June 5, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.June 1, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.May 25, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.May 18, 2022
- Pope Francis Declares 10 New Saints During Canonization Mass May 15, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.May 11, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.May 4, 2022
- Pope Francis Divine Mercy mass in St. Peter's Basilica at The Vatican on April 24, 2022
- Pope Francis during of general audience in Vatican.April 20, 2022
- Pope Francis Meets With Young Catholics At The Vatican April 18, 2022
- Pope Francis during the Easter Mass ,Urbi et Orbi 17 April 2022
- Pope Francis Good Friday Passion of the Lord Mass April 15, 2022
- Pope Francis during the Via Crucis April 15, 2022
- Pope Francis Chrismal mass St Peter's basilica.April 14,2022
- Pope Francis celebrates the Palm Sunday mass April 10, 2022
- Pope Francis confession in St. Peter's Basilica March 25, 2022
- Pope Francis baptism ceremony in the Sistine Chapel January 9, 2022
- Pope Francis celebrates the Vespers Te Deum.December 31, 2021
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day ,25 December 2021
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day ,25 December 2021.
- Pope Francis in Cyprus and Greece. 2/6 December 2021
- Pope Francis Meets French President Emmanuel Macron . 26 November 2021
- Pope Francis during the mass World Day of the Poor. November 14 2021
- Pope Francis the All Souls' Day at the French military cemetery November 2, 2021
- Pope Francis Meets President of the United States of America Joe Biden 29/10/21
- Pope Francis mass for the opening of the Synod of Bishops October 10, 2021
- Pope Francis Leads A Prayer For Peace At The Colosseum October 07, 2021
- Pope Francis arrive for the meeting, Faith and Science at the Vatican Oct. 4, 2021
- Pope Francis Angelus prayer from the Gemelli Hospital July 11, 2021
- Pope Francis during of general audience in the San Damaso's courtyard in Vatican.June 30, 2021
- Pope Francis during of general audience in the San Damaso's courtyard in Vatican.June 16, 2021
- Pope Francis during of general audience in the San Damaso's courtyard in Vatican.June 9, 2021
- Pope Francis celebrates mass in the fest of the Corpus Domini June 6, 2021
- Pope Francis during of general audience in the San Damaso's courtyard in Vatican.June 2, 2021
- Pope Francis during the General audience in the Saint Damaso courtyard.May 26, 2021
- Pope Francis during the General audience in the Saint Damaso courtyard.May 12, 2021
- Pope Francis holds the cross as he leads the Way of the Cross April 2, 2021
- Pope Francis Good Friday Passion of the Lord Mass .April 2, 2021
- Pope Francis holds a mass to mark 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines, on March 14, 2021
- Christmas tree in St. Peter square at the Vatican.14 december 2020
- Pope Francis leads a consistory for the creation of thirteen new cardinals Vatican. 28 November 2020
- Pope Francis ceremony for peace with representatives from various religions October 20, 2020
- Pope Francis during of general audience in the San Damaso's courtyard in Vatican.October 7, 2020
- Pope Francis during of general audience in the San Damaso's courtyard in Vatican.September 30, 2020
- Pope Francis during of general audience in the San Damaso's courtyard in Vatican.September 23, 2020
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience in Vatican September 16, 2020
- Pope Francis celebrates mass in the fest of the Corpus Domini June 14, 2020
- Pope Francis the ceremony of the Good Friday Passion Saint Peter's Basilica.April 10, 2020
- Pope Francis during Good Friday's Way of the Cross (Via Crucis) April 10, 2020
- Pope Francis Gives An Extraordinary "Urbi Et Orbi" Blessing. March 27, 2020
- Pope Francis meets Zeljko Komsic chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia Febraury 15, 2020
- Pope Francis Solemnity of the presentation of Our Lord on Febraury 1, 2020
- Democratic Republic of Congo's President Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo and Pope Francis
- Pope Francis the Solemnity of Epiphany at the Vaticanon January 6, 2020
- Pope Francis during the Sunday Angelus prayer, January 6, 2020 in Vatican.
- Pope Francis mass on Christmas December 24, 2019 in the Vatican
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi. 25th December 2019
- Christmas tree in St. Peter square at the Vatican.14 december 2019
- Pope Francis Pontifical Scholas Occurrentes in Rome, on December 13, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on November 27, 2019
- Pope Francis Cyprus' President Nicos Anastasiades at the Vatican on November 18, 2019.
- Pope Francis has lunch with guests in Vatican, November 17, 2019
- Pope Francis leads a mass the World Day of the Poor on November 17, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on October 30, 2019
- Pope Francis the Sunday Angelus in The Vatican on October 27, 2019.
- Pope Francis Mass of the Synod Oct. 27, 2019.
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on October 23, 2019
- Pope Francis celebrates a mass as part of World Mission Sunday on October 20, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on October 16, 2019
- Pope Francis during Canonization Mass in Vatican,October 13, 2019
- Pope Francis Public Consistory new cardinals at the October 5,2019
- Pope Francis feast of St. Francis of Assisi. October 4,2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on Sept 25, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on Sept 18, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on Sept 11, 2019
- Pope Francis Solemnity of St Peter and Paul in St. Peter Basilica at the Vatican.June 29, 2019.
- Pope Francis the Feast of Corpus Christi in Rome on June 23, 2019
- St. Peter's Square in the Vatican during the Pentecost vigil on June 8, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on June 19, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on June 5, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on May 29, 2019
- Pope Francis president of North Macedonia's parliament,Bulgaria's Parliame the Vatican,May 24, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's 22, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on May 15, 2019
- Pope Francis the priests ordination mass in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, on May 12, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on May 8, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on April 24, 2019
- Pope Francis During the Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 21 April 2019
- Pope Francis During 'Urbi et Orbi' in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 21 April 2019
- Pope Francis during the Via Crucis of the Colosseum in Rome.April 19, 2019
- Pope Francis Good Friday Passion in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.April 19, 2019
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on April 17, 2019
- Pope Francis during of the Palm Sunday celebration on St Peter's square at the Vatican.April 14,2019
- Pope Francis during his pastoral visit to the San Giulio parish on April 7, 2019 in Rome
- Pope Francis during a weekly general audience at Saint Peter's square on April 3, 2019
- Pope Francis' receives confession in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, March 29, 2019
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican March 27,2019
- Pope Francis Mass of 'The Protection Of Minors In The Church', Vatican on February 24, 2019
- Pope Francis Mass presentation of Our Lord at St Peter's basilica the Vatican. Febraury 2,2019
- Pope Francis Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali private audience the Vatican January 21,2019
- Pope Francis prays in front of a Nativity scene in St Peter's square at the Vatican.December 31,2018
- Pope Francis Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.December 31, 2018
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican ,25 December 2018
- Pope Francis celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican December 5,2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican November 28,2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican November 21,2018
- Pope Francis has a lunch with destitute people, on November 18, 2018, in Vatican
- Pope Francis mass of the Poor, St Peter's basilica in Vatican. November 18, 2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican November 14,2018
- Pope Francis meets Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East Vatican, Nov. 9, 2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican November 7,2018
- Pope Francis Commemoration of all the faithful departed of Rome. November 2, 2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican October 31,2018
- Pope Francis mass at the end of the Synod of Bishops in Vatican on October 28, 2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican October 17,2018
- Pope Francis canonization ceremony in St Peter's Square at the Vatican, on October 14, 2018.
- Chile's President Sebastian Pinera meets Pope Francis during private audience Vatican October13,2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican October 10,2018
- Pope Francis Mass for the opening of a synod at the Vatican, October 3, 2018
- Pope Francis during general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican September 26,2018
- Pope Francis during his weekly general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican September 5,2018
- Pope Francis during his weekly general audience on St.Peter's square at the Vatican.August 29,2018
- Pope Francis audience to International pilgrimage of ministrants in Vatican City. July 31, 2018
- The photographer Stefano Spaziani, meets Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in Vatican.July 25, 2018
- Pope Francis Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican.June 29,2018
- Pope Francis consistory the creation new cardinals at St Peter's basilica in Vatican June 28,2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. June 27,2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. June 20,2018
- Pope Francis meets Bulgaria,Macedonia,Australia,Francia,audience in the Apostolic Palace June,2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. June 13,2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. June 6,2018
- Pope Francis during holy mass of Pentecost Sunday in Saint Peter's Basilica the Vatican 20 May 2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. May 9,2018
- Pope Francis, Romania's Prime Minister Viorica Dancila during a private audience Vatican.May 11,2018
- Pope Francis visits the Roman parish of Santissimo Sacramento in the Rome on May 6, 2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. April 25,2018
- Pope Francis the priests ordination mass in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican on April 22, 2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. April 18,2018
- Pope Francis during Urbi et Orbi in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 1 April 2018
- Pope Francis during the Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 1 April 2018
- Pope Francis during the Via Crucis of the Colosseum in Rome.March 30, 2018
- Pope Francis Good Friday Passion the Lord Mass in Saint Peter's Basilica the Vatican.March 30,2018
- Pope Francis during of the Palm Sunday celebration on St Peter's square at the Vatican.March 25,2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican.March 21,2018
- Pope Francis Episcopal Ordinations ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, March 19,2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican.March 14,2018
- Pope Francis Confession penitential celebration in St. Peter's Basilica the Vatican, March 9,2018
- Pope Francis Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, at the Vatican, March 5, 2018
- Pope Francis Mass presentation of Our Lord at St Peter's basilica the Vatican. Febraury 2,2018
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican.January 31,2018
- Pope Francis holy mass at St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome, on January 28, 2018.
- Pope Francis Celebration of the second vespers of Saint Paul basilica in Rome. January 25, 2018
- Pope Francis Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera January 25, 2018.
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican.January 24,2018
- Pope Francis mass of Migrants and Refugees at St Peter's basilica in the Vatican.January 14,2018
- Pope Francis mass. the Solemnity of Epiphany at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican. January 6, 2018
- Pope Francis prays in front of a Nativity scene in St Peter's square at the Vatican.December 31,2017
- Pope Francis Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.December 31, 2017
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican ,25 December 2017
- Pope Francis celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2017
- Pope Francis private audience to members of the media at the Paul VI hall. Vatican.March 16, 2013
- Pope Francis receives the President of Bolivia, Juan Evo Morales Ayma on December 15, 2017
- Pope Francis during celebration of the Immaculate Conception et Piazza di Spagna. December 8, 2017
- Christmas tree in St. Peter square at the Vatican.8 december 2017
- Pope Francis prayer for Peace in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo November 23, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. November 22, 2017
- Pope Francis during the Sunday Angelus prayer,at the Vatican. November 19, 2017
- Pope Francis mass of the Poor, St Peter's basilica in Vatican. November 19, 2017
- Pope Francis President of Sierra Leone Ernest Bai Koroma audience at the Vatican, November 11, 2017
- Pope Francis mass for decesed bishops and cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica.November 3, 2017
- Pope Francis mass at the U.S. World War II cemetery in Nettuno, Rome November 2,2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. October 18, 2017
- Pope Francis mass for the canonization of 35 new saints at St Peter's square.October 15, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. October 11, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. September 27, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. September 20, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. September 13, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. August 30, 2017
- Pope Francis St.Peter's square during his Angelus prayer at the Vatican.June 29, 2017
- Pope Francis Solemnity of St Peter and Paul in St.Peter's square at the Vatican.June 29, 2017.
- Pope Francis consistory new cardinals at St Peter's basilica in Vatican.June 28,2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. June 28, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. June 21, 2017
- Pope Francis Corpus Domini Procession basilicas San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome. June 18 , 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. June 14, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. June 7, 2017
- Pope Francis during The Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Reneval on June 3, 2017
- Pope Francis mass of Pentecost Sunday at St Peter's square in Vatican. 4 June 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. May 24, 2017
- Pope Francis during a visit to the Roman Parish of San Pier Damiani, on May 21, 2017 in Rome.
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. May 10, 2017
- Pope Francis,ordained new priests ceremony in St.Peter Basilica at the Vatican. May 7, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. May 3, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. April 26, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. April 19, 2017
- Urbi et Orbi Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 16 April 2017
- Pope Francis During the Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 16 April 2017
- Pope Francis, during the Easter vigil mass in Saint Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican,.15 April ,2017
- Via Crucis Pope Francis procession on Good Friday the Colosseum in Rome. 14 April, 2017
- Good Friday Passion of the Lord Pope Francis in Saint Peter's Basilica.April 14, 2017
- Pope Francis the Palm Sunday celebration on St Peter's square at the Vatican. April 9, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. April 5, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. March 29, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. March 22 , 2017
- Pope Francis Confession penitential celebration in St. Peter's Basilica the Vatican, March 17,2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. March 15 , 2017
- Pope Francis during a visit to the Roman Parish, near Rome March 12, 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. March 1 , 2017
- Pope Francis during of a weekly general audience at St Peter's square in Vatican. February 22, 2017
- Pope Francis during a pastoral visit the parish at Castelverde, February 19, 2017.
- Pope Francis during Mass a pastoral visit the parish at Castelverde, February 19, 2017.
- Pope Francis Mass presentation of Our Lord at St Peter's basilica the Vatican. Febraury 2,2017
- Pope Francis Celebration of the second vespers of Saint Paul basilica in Rome. January 25, 2017
- Pope Francis mass. the Solemnity of Epiphany at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican. January 6, 2017
- Pope Francis prays in front of a Nativity scene in St Peter's square at the Vatican.December 31,2016
- Pope Francis Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.December 31, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican 28, December.2016
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican ,25 December 2016
- Pope Francis celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican 21, December.2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,14 December., 2016
- Christmas tree in St. Peter square at the Vatican.December 13, 2016.
- Pope Francis Mass Lady of Guadalupe in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican 12.december 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,22 October.16/23.November., 2016
- Pope Francis the celebration the end of the Jubilee of Mercy, in Vatican.November 20, 2016
- Pope Francis, during a consistory at Peter's basilica. on November 19, 2016
- Pope Francis Holy Mass the Jubilee the Homeless in St. Peter's Basilica Vatican November 13, 2016
- Pope Francis special Jubilee Audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican .November 12, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.November 9, 2016
- Pope Francis mass for the Jubilee of Inmates at St Peter's basilica in Vatican.November 6, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.october 26, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.october 19, 2016
- Pope Francis leads a canonization mass at St Peter's square in Vatican on October 16, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.october 12, 2016
- Pope Francis Mass for the Marian Jubilee, in St. Peter's Square in Vatican.October 09,2016
- Pope Francis Marian prayer vigil at St Peter's square in Vatican. on October 8, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.october 5, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.September 28, 2016
- Pope Francis mass for Catechists in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican September 25, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.September 21, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.September 14, 2016
- Pope Francis,Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan during private audience the Vatican, Sept. 15,2016
- Pope Francis special Jubilee Audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican .September 10, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.September 7, 2016
- Pope Francis canonization of Mother Teresa of Kolkata, Vatican, September 4, 2016.
- Pope Francis Missionary of Charity, in St Peter's square at the Vatican on September 3, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.August 31, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.August 24, 2016
- Pope Francis special Jubilee Audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican on June 30, 2016
- Pope Francis solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul at St Peter's basilica in Vatican.June 29,2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.June 22, 2016
- Pope Francis special Jubilee Audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican on June 18, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.June 15, 2016
- Pope Francis during Mass for sick and disabled people St Peter's square Vatican.June 12,2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.June 8, 2016
- Pope Francis canonization in the Vatican on June 5, 2016.
- Pope Francis during mass in St. Peter square at the Vatican,June 3, 2016.
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.June 1, 2016
- Pope Francis meeting with 400 children at the Vatican ,May 28, 2016
- Pope Francis President of Singapore,Tony Tan Keng Yam private audience Vatican.May 28,2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.May 25, 2016
- Pope Francis Corpus Domini Procession basilicas San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome. May 26, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.May 18, 2016
- Pope Francis private audience Apotolic Palace at the Vatican . 16 May 2016
- Pope Francis during holy mass of Pentecost Sunday in Saint Peter's Basilica Vatican.15 May 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.May 11, 2016
- Pope Francis private audience Apotolic Palace at the Vatican . 2016
- Pope Francis During The "To Dry the Tears" Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. May 5, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.May 4, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.April 27, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.April 20, 2016
- Pope Francis,ordained new priests ceremony in St.Peter Basilica at the Vatican. April 17, 2016.
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.April 13, 2016
- Pope Francis special Jubilee Audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican on April 9, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.April 6, 2016
- Pope Francis prayer vigil the Jubilee of Divine Mercy at St Peter's square in Vatican.April 2,2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.March. 12, 2016
- Pope Francis special Jubilee Audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican on March 12, 2016
- Pope Francisco Confession penitential celebration in St. Peter's Basilica the Vatican, March 4, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.March. 2, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.February. 24, 2016
- Pope Francis special Jubilee Audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican on February. 20, 2016
- Pope Francis mass for Ash Wednesday,The coffin of St Padre Pio February,10, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.February. 10, 2016
- Pope Francis during an audience to the Padre Pio Prayer Groups in Vatican. on February 6, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,.February. 3, 2016
- Pope Francis the basilica of St. Peter blesses the faithful after celebrating Mass February 2, 2016
- Pope Francis Mass presentation of Our Lord at St Peter's basilica the Vatican. Febraury 2,2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,January 27, 2016
- Pope Francis Celebration of the second vespers of Saint Paul basilica in Rome. January 25, 2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican,January 20, 2016
- Pope Francis Prince Albert II , Princess Charlene of Monaco private audience Vatican.January 18,2016
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican,January 13, 2016
- Pope Francis mass. the Solemnity of Epiphany at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican. January 6, 2016
- Pope Francis prays in front of a Nativity scene in St Peter's square at the Vatican.December 31,2015
- Pope Francis Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.December 31, 2015
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican ,25 December 2015
- Pope Francis celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2015
- Pope Francis during General audience at the Vatican,December 16, 2015
- Pope Francis during General audience at the Vatican,December 9, 2015
- Pope Francis opens Holy Door at St Peter's basilica of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, December 8, 2015
- Pope Francis during General audience at the Vatican,December 2, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,November 18 2015
- Pope Francis visits Rome's Lutheran church on November 15, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,November 11, 2015
- Pope Francis Polish President Andrzej Duda private audience at the Vatican November 9, 2015
- Pope Francis Italian National Social Security Institute St. Peter's Square the Vatican.Nov. 7, 2015
- Pope Francis mass for decesed bishops and cardinals in St. Peter's Basilica Vatican.November 3, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,November 1, 2015
- Pope Francis mass occasion of All Saints' day at Campo di Verano cemetery in Rome.November 1,2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,October 28, 2015
- Pope Francis mass the Synod of Bishops at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican. October 25, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,October 21, 2015
- Pope Francis celebrates the canonization in St. Peter square at the Vatican.18 October 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,October 7 2015
- Pope Francis during mass for the opening of the synod on the family on October 4, 2015
- Pope Francis vigil the Synod of Bishops at St Peter square in Vatican. October 3, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,September 30, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,September 16, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,September 9, 2015
- Pope Francis private audience at the Vatican . 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,September 2, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,August 26.2015
- Pope Francis international pilgrimage of altar servers in Saint Peter's Square.August 4, 2015
- Pope Francis meeting Movement of Renewal in the Spirit.St. Peter square at the Vatican,3 July 2015
- Pope Francis solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul at St Peter's basilica in Vatican.June 29,2015
- Pope Francis young people,during visit of Pope Francis in Turin,Italy. june 21 2015
- Pope Francis Holy Shroud, the Cathedral in Turin June 21, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,June 17.2015
- Pope Francis the Convention of Rome Diocese at St Peter's square at the Vatican.June 14, 2015
- Pope Francis audience the Italian Catholics Scouts at St Peter's square at the Vatican.June 13,2015
- Pope Francis Corpus Domini Procession basilicas San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome. June 4, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,May 27.2015
- Pope Francis during holy mass of Pentecost Sunday in Saint Peter's Basilica Vatican.24 May 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,May 20.2015
- Pope Francis the canonization in St Peter's square at the Vatican May 17, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,May 13.2015
- Pope Francis during mass of Caritas Internationalis in St Peter's basilica Vatican.May 12, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,May 6.2015
- Pope Francis during his visit at Santa Maria Regina Pacis church in Ostia, south of Rome.May 3, 2015
- Pope Francis Seychelles President James Michel at the Vatican on April 30, 2015
- Pope Francis during an ordination mass at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican on April 26, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,April 22.2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,April 15 2015
- Pope Francis Mass in the Armenian Catholic rite at Peter's Basilica the Vatican,April 12, 2015
- Pope Francis ceremony the Bull of the Jubilee in St. Peter's Basilica the Vatican, April 11, 2015
- Pope Francis Georgia's President Giorgi Margvelashvili at the Vatican on April 10, 2015.
- Urbi et Orbi Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 4 April 2015
- Easter Mass Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 24 April 2015
- Pope Francis, during the Easter vigil mass in Saint Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican,.4 April ,2015
- Via Crucis Pope Francis procession on Good Friday the Colosseum in Rome. 4 April, 2015
- Good Friday Passion of the Lord Pope Francis in Saint Peter's Basilica.April 4, 2015
- Pope Francis Chrismal mass in the morning of Holy Thursday at St Peter's basilica.April 2,2015
- Pope Francis the Palm Sunday celebration on St Peter's square at the Vatican.March 29, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,March 18, 2015
- Pope Francis during the penitential celebration in St. Peter's Basilica the Vatican, March 13, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,March 11, 2015
- Pope Francis pastoral visit Maria Madre del Redentore Tor Bella Monaca" March 8, 2015
- Pope Francis “Comunione e Liberazione” catholic mouvement St Peter's square Vatican March 7, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,March 4, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,Febray 18, 2015
- Pope Francis Tonga's King Ahoeitu Unuakiotonga Tukuaho Tupou VI Vatican,February 16, 2015
- Pope Francis returns home Santa Marta after the angelus in Vatican.February 15, 2015
- Pope Francis, at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican.during the mass New Cardinals on February 15 2015
- Pope Francis during consistory creation new Cardinals St. Peter's Basilica Vatican.February 14,2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Vatican,Febray 11, 2015
- Pope Francis pastoral visit at the parish of San Michele Arcangelo in Rome. February 8, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican,Febray 4, 2015
- Pope Francis Mass presentation of Our Lord at St Peter's basilica the Vatican. Febraury 2,2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican,January 28, 2015
- Pope Francis Celebration of the second vespers of Saint Paul basilica in Rome. January 25, 2015
- Pope Francis during general audience at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican,January 21, 2015
- Pope Francis mass. the Solemnity of Epiphany at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican. January 6, 2015
- Pope Francis prays in front of a Nativity scene in St Peter's square at the Vatican.December 31,2014
- Pope Francis Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.December 31, 2014
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican ,25 December 2014
- Pope Francis celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,December 17, 2014
- Pope Francis during his pastoral visit the parish of St. Joseph all'Aurelio Rome.December 14,20 14
- Pope Francis meets Italian Premier Matteo Renzi at the Vatican on December 13, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,December 10, 2014
- Immaculate Conception Pope Francis visit the statue of Mary of the et Spanish Square Rome Dec 8,2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,December 3, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.November 26, 2014
- Pope Francis canonization mass iin St Peter's square at the Vatican on November 23, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.November 19, 2014
- Pope Francis meets Peru's President Ollanta Humala at the Vatican on November 14, 2014.
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.November 12, 2014
- Pope Francis Mass for Cardinals who died during the year at The Vatican.November 3, 2014
- Pope Francis mass occasion of All Saints' day at Campo di Verano cemetery in Rome.November 1,2014
- Pope Francis meeting European Parliament president Martin Schulz the Vatican October 30, 2014.
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.October 29, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.October 22, 2014
- Pope Francis beatification of Paul VI, St Peter's square at the Vatican. Octobe 19, 2014
- Pope Francis South Korean President Park Geun-hye meetingthe Vatican,October 17, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.October 15, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.October 8, 2014
- Pope Francis Angelus the apostolic palace at St Peter's square.October 5, 2014
- Pope Francis leads mass the Synod St. Peter's Basilica at the Vaticann. October 5, 2014
- Pope Francis vigil for the Synod on the Family at St Peter's square at the Vaticann.October 4, 2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican. October 1, 2014
- Pope Francis during papal mass for elderly people St Peter's square the Vatican.September 28,2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,. September 24,2014
- Pope Francis Argentina President Cristina Fernandez President Latvia Andris Berzinsat. Sept.20,2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,. September 17,2014
- Pope Francis.celebration marriage 20 St. Peter's Basilica. the Vatican.September 14,2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,. September 10,2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican, Wednesday. September 3,2014
- Pope Francis during general audience in St. Peter square at the Vatican,.August 27, 2014
- Pope Francis during a meeting with German altar servers and seminarists August 5, 2014
- Pope Francis sanctuary of Castelpetroso, southern Italy Molise region.July 5, 2014
- Pope Francis during holy mass in Campobasso, southern Italy visit in the Molise region.July 5, 2014
- Pope Francis with Spain's King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia during a private audience June 30, 2014
- Pope Francis during a mass solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul on June 29, 2014
- Pope Francis Corpus Domini Procession basilicas San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome. June 19, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 18, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 11, 2014
- Pope Francis Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas Israeli President Shimon Peres Vatican.June 8,2014
- Pope Francis during holy mass of Pentecost Sunday in Saint Peter's Basilica Vatican.8 June 2014
- Pope Francis of the Italian Sports Centre C.S.I. in St.Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 7, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 4, 2014
- Pope Francis convention "Renewal in the Spirit"the Olympic stadium in Rome.June 1, 2014
- Pope Francis during ordination ceremony in St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.on May 30, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May 28, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May 21, 2014
- Pope Francis meeting King of Bahrein Isa Al Khalifa.Minister Poland Donald Tusk Vatican. May 19,2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May 14, 2014
- Pope Francis during an ordination mass at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican on May 11, 2014
- Francis Pope Meeting with the Italian schools. St. Peter's Square Vatican. May 10, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May 7, 2014
- Pope Francis meeting Spain's King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia private audience.Vatican.April 28,2014
- Pope Francis canonisation of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II at the Vatican. April 27, 2014
- Easter Mass and Urbi et Orbi Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 20 April 2014
- Pope Francis, during the Easter vigil mass in Saint Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican,.April 19,2014
- Via Crucis Pope Francis procession on Good Friday the Colosseum in Rome. 20 April, 2014
- Good Friday Passion of the Lord Pope Francis in Saint Peter's Basilica.April 18, 2014
- Pope Francis Chrismal mass in the morning of Holy Thursday at St Peter's basilica.April 17,2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 23, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 16, 2014
- Pope Francis during of the Palm Sunday celebration on St Peter's square at the Vatican.April 13,2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 9, 2014
- Pope Francis during his pastoral visit at roman parish the San Gregorio Maglio on April 6, 2014
- Pope Francis meets Cape Verde Prime Minister Jose Maria Neves audience at the Vatican.April 3,2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 2, 2014
- Pope Francis Penitential Liturgy ceremony at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.March 28,2014
- Pope Francis meeting U.S. President Barack Obama a private audience at the Vatican March 27,2014
- Pope Francis, Catholic Libera association at Rome's San Gregorio church March 21, 2014.
- Pope Francis pastoral visit of Santa Maria dell'Orazione in Guidonia Montecelio March 16,2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. March 5, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.Febraury 26, 2014
- Pope Francis during the mass New Cardinals in St.Peter's Basilica at the Vatican February 23, 2014
- Pope Francis Benedict XV Ithe conslict the Vatican February 22, 2014istory in the St. Peter's Basi
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. Febraury 19, 2014
- Pope Francis during visits the parish of San Tommaso on the outskirts of Rome on February 16, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.Febraury 12, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.Febraury 5, 2014
- Pope Francis Mass presentation of Our Lord at St Peter's basilica the Vatican. Febraury 2,2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.January 15, 2014
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican.January 8, 2014
- Pope Francis mass. the Solemnity of Epiphany at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican. January 6, 2014
- Pope Francis prays in front of a Nativity scene in St Peter's square at the Vatican.December 31,2013
- Pope Francis Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican.December 31, 2013
- Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi Christmas Day of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican ,25 December 2013
- Pope Francis celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. December 11, 2013
- Immaculate Conception Pope Francis visit the statue of Mary of the et Spanish Square Rome Dec 8,2013
- Pope Francis celebrates the vespers at Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican on November 30, 2013.
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. November 27, 2013
- Pope Francis meeting: Russian President Vladimir Putin. Croatia's .Bosnian.Minister November 25,2013
- Pope Francis Holy Mass of the closing of the Year of Faith, in the Vatican, 24 November 2013.
- Pope Francis welcomes Catechumens in Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, 23 November 2013.
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. November 20, 2013
- Pope Francis confers episcopal ordination at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican on November 15, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. November 6, 2013
- Pope Francis Mass for Cardinals who died during the year at The Vatican.November 4, 2013
- Pope Francis mass occasion of All Saints' day at Campo di Verano cemetery in Rome.November 1,2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 30, 2013
- Pope Francis mass the occasion of the Family Days at St Peter's square the Vatican.October 27,2013
- Pope Francis during the Family Day at St Peter's square at the Vatican on October 26, 2013
- Pope Francis confers episcopal ordination at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican on October 24, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 23, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 16, 2013
- Pope Francis mass of the Marian Day in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican.October 13, 2013
- Pope Francis prays in front of Our Lady of Fatima in St. Peter's square October 12, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 9, 2013
- Assisi Pope Francis during visit city of Saint Francisco, Italy, October 4, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. October 2, 2013
- Pope Francis Mass the occasion of the Day for Catechists at St Peter's square.September 29, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. September 18, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. September 11, 2013
- Pope Francis prayer for peace . Saint Peter square at the Vatican. September 7, 2013
- Pope Francis Receives Jordan's King Abdullah II of Jordan Rania at the Vatican. August 29, 2013
- Pope Francis the Assumption Day mass in the Castelgandolfo. August 15, 2013
- Pope Francis during Angelus his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, July 14, 2013
- Pope Francis mass with seminarians and novices at the Vatican's Saint Peter basilica.July 7, 2013
- Pope Francis meets Archbishop of Canterbury at the Vatican 14 June 2013.
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 12, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. June 5, 2013
- Pope Francis leads a worldwide Eucharistic Adoration at St Peter's basilica the Vatican.June 2, 2013
- Pope Francis Holy Rosary Conclusion the month of May.St Peter's square at the Vatican. May 31,2013
- Pope Francis Corpus Domini Procession basilicas San Giovanni in Laterano in Rome. May 30, 2013
- Pope Francis during his pastoral visit to the parish of Saints Elizabeth and Zachary , May 26, 2013
- Pope Francis Profession of Faith Italian Bishops' St Peter's basilica at the Vatican.May 23,2013
- Pentecost Sunday mass Pope Francis in St. Peter square the Vatican. May 19, 2013
- Pope Francis the Pentecost vigil on St Peter's square at the Vatican. May 18, 2013
- Pope Francis receives German Chancellor Angela Merkel private audience at the Vatican. May 18, 2013
- Beatification ceremony Pope Francis in St.Peter's square at the Vatican on May 12, 2013
- Pope Francis receives the Coptic Orthodox leader Tawadros II at the Vatican.May 10,2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May 8, 2013
- Pope Francis leads a Holy Mass for Confraternities at St Peter's square at the Vatican. May 5, 2013
- Rosary prayer Pope Francis Saint Mary Major Basilica in Rome.May 4, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. May 1, 2013
- Pope Francis celebrates the Rite of Confirmation in St Peter Square at the Vatican. April 28,2013
- Pope Francis receives Madagascar's transitional leader Andry Rajoelina at the Vatican.April 26,2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 24, 2013
- Pope Francis during an ordination mass at St Peter's basilica at the Vatican on April 21, 2013
- Pope Francis receives Ecuador's President Rafael Correa at the Vatican.April 19, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 17, 2013
- Pope Francis,celebrates mass at the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls in Rome.April 14,2013
- Pope Francis receives Mozambique's Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina at the Vatican . April 11, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 10, 2013
- Pope Francis mass,in the Rome's basilica of St. John Lateran,April 7, 2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. April 3, 2013
- Urbi et Orbi, Easter Mass, Pope Francis at the Vatican, 31 March 2013
- Easter Mass Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican. 31 March 2013
- Easter vigil mass Pope Francis in Saint Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican. 30 March 2013
- Via Crucis Pope Francis procession on Good Friday the Colosseum in Rome. 29 march 2013
- Good Friday Passion of the Lord Pope Francis in Saint Peter's Basilica.March 29, 2013
- Pope Francis Chrismal mass in the morning of Holy Thursday at St Peter's basilica.March 28,2013
- General audience Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. March 27, 2013
- Pope Francis during of the Palm Sunday celebration on St Peter's square at the Vatican.March 24,2013
- Pope Francis during his inauguration mass at St Peter's square on March 19, 2013
- Pope Francis during his first Angelus prayer at St Peter's square. March 17, 2013
- New Pope Argentina's Jorge Bergoglio,Pope Francis of St Peter's Basilica's balcony on March 13, 2013
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- Epifania 6 gennaio 2006